Location & Directions
FitGolf® San Diego at Stadium Golf Center
2990 Murphy Canyon Road
San Diego, CA 92123
p: (619) 822-2175
Ready to Get Started?
To learn more about how to lower your scores and gain distance or to get started with one of our programs, please complete the form below. One of our FitGolf® staff will be in contact with you shortly and will gladly help you determine the best way to begin and answer any questions you may have.
I have been playing full time for the past 7 years. I herniated L3 two years ago and I just haven’t been the same. I have constant tight hamstrings and quads. I simply want to hit it hard in the fitness area for the next 5 months and then maintain from there. My sponsor is helping me so much that I have the time to commit to this.
Looking for an initial session with Jeremy Klinkhamer and may be interested in an on-going program. Recommended by John Brindle as we are both members of the Heights golf club in Bernardo Heights. Sixty six years old and work out regularly but of course age has its limitations. I am still working and own a company in San Jose, ca so at times my schedule is tight. My next open day will be Nov, 11th, 20th or 23rd. I am not sure if Jeremy is taking on new clients but let me know if he is available.
If any of these dates will work let me know. I would prefer 10:00 am to 2:00 pm time slot as traffic is a consideration coming from Escondido area.